Monday, March 19, 2018

Match Day and Financial Security

First, congratulations to all of my residency applicant advisees: I am thrilled by the enormous success the Match brought to these candidates in a variety of fields. If you have not yet updated me, please send me an email.

Second, now that residency applicants have a professional plan for their next few years, they also need a financial plan. You could choose to work many fewer years, work in an environment you prefer, or go to part-time if you start to make good financial decisions right now. is a financial literacy blog for the newly minted physician. (Yes, you.) Here's a recent blog entry about how to simply start to manage your financial portfolio without a financial advisor (even if that portfolio is tiny or you have significant debt). You can use Dr. CrispyDoc's advice and call up Vanguard or Fidelity (I get no kickback from them) and tell them you need help setting up what you have read. Whala! You are already making good decisions that will earn you compound interest and give you more control as you move through your career.

Here are more posts from Crispy Doc on finances, early retirement for doctors, raising a family, career choice, hedge funds, Costco and more.