Monday, May 27, 2024

Aim for All Stuff and No Fluff

The goal of your written materials (and your interview) is to distinguish yourself from everyone else to demonstrate that you are worthy of a competitive medical school or residency slot.

Therefore, it's critical that you avoid flowery or trite language, as using it does the opposite of making you distinctive. Recently, I read a piece by Lisa Miller called, "When Did Everything Become a 'Journey'" about the overuse of the word. Miller cites Northern Arizona University linguistics professor Jesse Egbert who notes that "journey," as a noun, has almost doubled in American English since 1990. 

In her piece, Miller also includes a wry quote from a Los Angeles clinical psychologist who describes the word "journey" as "eye-rollingly cheapened." In editing personal statements, I see the word used frequently – maybe once in every four essays I revise.

Good writing takes a lot of time - brainstorming, outlining, and many drafts. Make sure your written materials are the best they can be by being diligent about your process (and by getting professional help).