Monday, August 4, 2008

For residency applicants: Where to apply

Assuming you’ve chosen your specialty (or at least have a couple in mind), a good way to get started in considering where to apply to residency is to check out FREIDA. This service is provided by the American Medical Association and is available on line: . FREIDA allows you to define your search by specialty, location (see my previous blog entries on the importance of geography) and program size, amongst other specifics. It then provides all programs that meet your criteria and their details – program director, program coordinator, web site address, etc.

With this information you can pick programs initially and then contact residencies for information including application requirements; accreditation status; ERAS use; special requirements for personal statement and letters of recommendation; unique deadlines and, as necessary, if they IMG-friendly.

For one-on-one help applying to residency – strategy sessions, assistance with your ERAS, personal statement and interviews – please see .