Monday, February 16, 2009

Away rotations

Some medical schools are currently requiring their students to plan their spring and summer rotations. The question I am asked is what my thoughts are on the utility of away rotations. Here we go:

1. They are either really good or really bad. Never in between. If you think you are going to shine then consider being away. If you are just revving up then don't go. The last thing you want is to spend a month away only to have the institution rule you out early. (If you have a strong application that is even more reason not to go away.)
2. Consider the financial cost. Unless you have free housing, being away can get very expensive.

I have a few clients who are strategically contacting me early - now during their third years - for strategy sessions. It's a good idea to get professional advice now and not be blindsided later about weaknesses you could have improved.