Thursday, September 22, 2011

NRMP Stats

The NRMP does a really great job of collecting and distributing useful statistics about the Match. Many of you know that a document I refer to often is the NRMP Program Directors' Survey. Recently, the NRMP has published several more documents, including "Charting Outcomes of the Match - Characteristics of Applicants Who Matched to Their Preferred Specialty in the 2011 Main Residency Match." I know clever applicants who have used the data in this document to strategically apply to residency this year.

The NRMP comments as follows regarding their analysis:

"The data in this report support the following straightforward
advice one should give to an applicant.

- Rank all of the programs you really want, without regard to
your estimate of your chances with those programs.
-Include a mix of both highly competitive and less
competitive programs within your preferred specialty.
-Include all of the programs on your list where the program
has expressed an interest in you and where you would accept
a position.
-If you are applying to a competitive specialty and you would
want to have a residency position in the event you are
unsuccessful in matching to a program in your preferred
specialty, also rank your most preferred programs in an
alternate specialty.
-Include all of your qualifications in your application, but
know that you do not have to be AOA, to have the highest
USMLE scores, to have publications, or to have participated
in research projects to match successfully."