Monday, November 26, 2012

Think Before You Post

Before you tweet that racy comment or post a picture of yourself partying on Facebook, I recommend you pause. A recent study "Social Network Activity May Affect Medical School Acceptance" from the Postgraduate Medical Journal indicates that social networking is affecting medical school and residency admissions.  Nine percent of the medical school and residency program survey participants acknowledged routine use of social networking sites as part of the selection process.

The American Medical Association has advised doctors that social network content can adversely affect physicians' reputations. That advice seems straightforward. However, what troubles me is that admissions officers can intentionally or subconsciously form negatively judgments about applicants based on the candidates' family situations (e.g. a woman applicant with a new baby), political leanings, or romantic relationships.

Contact me for help with your residency application and medical school candidacy.

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