Monday, June 11, 2018

AMCAS is in the House

The AMCAS submission date came and went, and the question I'm getting now is: Should I be panicking if I haven't submitted my AMCAS yet?

The answer is no... and, depending on where you are in the process, yes. Submitting on Day 1 precisely is not worth losing your mind over, so if you didn't do so, please do not kick yourself. On the other hand, submitting very soon is to your advantage because of rolling admissions.

So, if you are wrapping up your work and have your written materials in a superior state, just keep moving and get your application submitted promptly. If you are behind the eight ball and don't feel that you can craft outstanding written materials speedily, consider waiting a year to apply. Every season I encounter re-applicants who submitted their AMCASes in August or September.

So... on your mark. Get set. Go!