Monday, January 7, 2019

The “No Contact” Rule After Interviews

Just a brief reminder about the “no contact” rule that some residency programs (and medical schools) follow. While thank you notes and letters of interest are often warranted, if the institution requests no contact, it is important that you follow that rule. First, you don’t want to be seen as someone who is trying to gain an advantage when others are holding back, and second, you would like to be viewed as a candidate and future practicing physician who notes and follows instructions.

Importantly, if you are contacted by residency programs after your interview and promised a ranking to Match, I’d suggest you take that information with a grain of salt. It is flattering, but it should not change your Match list in any way. If a medical school contacts you with a positive review but no acceptance (yet), I would suggest being gracious while you continue to move through the admissions process. In other words, don’t let compliments affect your good judgment.