Monday, April 1, 2019

Worth a Look: Medscape Female Physician Compensation Report 2018

Medscape's annual Female Physician Compensation Report is out, and it's thought-provoking on many levels. Among the findings from the 7600 female respondents:

The discrepancy in pay between the highest paid female physicians and the lowest is no small thing. Female plastic surgeons make $518K per year compared to Public Health and Preventive Medicine docs who make $180K. 

Also, to my surprise, 50% of plastic surgeons are now female. (Only 8% of orthopedists are.) My field of emergency medicine is low at 21%. 

Male primary care doctors make more than women in the same fields. Male specialists also earn more than their female counterparts. The disparity extends to several racial and ethnic groups as well. 

What I also found very interesting is that to answer the question "What is the Most Rewarding Part of Your Job?" more women than men felt knowing they are making the world a better place was most rewarding (27% versus 20%), and more men than women said that being very good at what they do was most rewarding (26% versus 21%).

There's more! Check it all out here