Monday, April 6, 2020

How is COVID-19 Affecting Pre-Meds and Pre-Dental Students?

COVID-19 has upended everyone's lives, and I really mean everyone. Last week I mentioned some issues specific to pre-meds and pre-dental students. Here's an update:

MCAT cancellations: As of last Wednesday, April 1, the AAMC extended the cancellation of MCAT testing through the month of April. (Prior, AAMC had only cancelled the March 27 and April 4 administration dates.)

Inability to acquire enough clinical, research, or volunteer hours is worsening, as applicants who had expected to get more experience this spring are being told that only essential workers should report for duties.

As the recession worsens, there is a decrease in individual wealth, leading to an inability to pay AMCAS/ AACOMS/ AADSAS fees or apply to as many schools as had been planned.

Difficulty accessing letter of recommendation writers who are no longer on campus or are, understandably, distracted with their own disruptions will continue to be a problem. 

A lack of enthusiasm for medicine (or an increase in it, for some) may rise as the great risk health care providers are currently assuming is more newsworthy. 

I've had an applicant or two ask me if this year is a better year to apply - perhaps less competitive - because of the above. I really have no crystal ball on that issue, although it's an interesting question.

Keep safe and stay in.