Monday, August 10, 2020

No, I Can't Fix Your Computer

My husband spotted a man wearing a t-shirt with that saying on it, and we have ever since jokingly referred to it when someone in the house is having a tech problem. 

As we all probably know, there is usually someone in the extended family who is the "computer person." 

Well, we could use that individual now. While I am a big fan of the virtual interview for medical school and residency (see my upcoming Doximity article on the topic), I do worry about technical glitches. A client recently wrote me that her asynchronous, recorded virtual medical school interview had a problem, leaving her with one question unanswerable. (I counseled her to inform the school.) I'm crossing my fingers that this is an anomaly and not a reflection of what's to come this cycle.

As always, make sure to practice for your interviews; you wouldn't go into a standardized test without a lot of preparation, and the same should be true for interviews. 

Contact me here for help.