Monday, December 21, 2020

Your Residency Application: What to Do if You Receive No or Few Interview Invitations?

1. Don't panic.

2. Try contacting - in a professional manner - all institutions to which you have sent your ERAS. You can send an email and call. When you call, be calm, respectful, and enthusiastic. Do not demand to speak to the program director! Let the person who answers the phone know that you are very interested in the program and would appreciate the opportunity to interview. Offer to be on an interview wait list if necessary.

3. Ask faculty to make calls or send emails on your behalf. This strategy is especially helpful if the faculty member has a tie to the institution and/or has a weighty title. (Yes, the system is broken in many ways.) 

4. Prepare for the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP). Note that SOAP is not a separate program from the residency Match. So a) your main residency Match user status must be active and b) your credentials must be verified by the Rank Order List Deadline in order to participate in SOAP. Here is more information on SOAP.

5. Make a plan for what you will do if the Match and SOAP don't work out for you. What will you do next year? How will you improve your written materials, interview skills, and overall candidacy? Consider getting comprehensive help and an honest assessment from me or a faculty member who is highly experienced in residency admissions - the sooner the better to improve a candidacy and prepare for a re-application. Also, as sad as this sounds, if this is not your first defeat in the Match/SOAP process, it might be time to consider other career options like research or industry. Sometimes it's simply recognizing that one door is closing to see another one opening.