Monday, January 22, 2024

There's a New and Improved ERAS Fee Structure on its Way

The AAMC recently announced an updated fee structure for the next ERAS cycle with the goal of lowering total application costs and simplifying the current cost framework, which has been criticized for its complexity. In theory, the change should be an improvement for this year's applicants.

Essentially, residency candidates will pay $11 per application for up to 30 and $30 per application for 31+. Of note, the structure restarts for any new specialty. So if you plan to apply to two, your costs will be higher.

The AAMC estimates most applicants will see discounts of up to 36%.

The old system was triple tiered. You can see it here. Of note, as I previously blogged about, this year the AAMC will also expand their Fee Assistance Program to include some residency applicants, a first.

You can see the new ERAS fee structure in graphic form here.